Hey Friends Hey! Happy New Year! I'm so happy to take this 2019 journey with all of you! I have some pretty cool things that i'm working on by myself, with friends and that will be happening in my personal life.
We just came back from an amazing European Tour but I must admit that i'm very nervous for the year 2019. This year, I go from being a mom of one child to a mom of two children. I feel like I've mastered being a mom of one already, but I'm entering that world of unknown all over again. My husband keeps reassuring me that things will be ok, but I wouldn’t be honest if I said his words made me feel completely ok.
In 2018, I left my job to follow my dream and work contracts instead of having a full time/full benefits position. Now let me first say, I love that decision and still stick by it, but more or less, I'm kinda a stay at home mom now! And shout out to the full time working and stay at home moms. Experiencing both, we really get the job done!
So just as excited as I am, I'm just as much nervous. I guess this is a normal feeling.
Anywho, I’m very excited to share this journey of 2019 with all of you. Many more recipes, many more stories of my life and baby updates to come! I started righting out my goals for the year and I'm being pretty ambitious! lol. We will see how it all goes, but I knew for sure that I wanted to do more saving. I'm challenging myself to the 52 week money savings challenge. I modified it a little to fit my life but I'm committed to seeing this thing through!
Well, here’s to 2019!
Dani Lee